Novanita Sharma
The relationship of human beings with Nature is one of the most complex, many brilliant minds have tried to decipher this mystery from early times. Our ability to think and feel sets us apart from all other life forms of this planet. While all other life forms remained in their assigned niches, human beings dared to explore the unchartered territories, triggered by our insatiable curiosity. Our creativity is the hallmark of our thoughts and feelings. Nature posed as the source of inspiration as well as the ultimate subject of our curiosity. Nature rose questions for our explorations, which in due course of time shaped and sped our civilizations from the pre historic cave dwellers to the supersonic space explorers. Our prehistoric predecessors carved and painted their humble dwelling spaces with the contemporary natural world of their time. The footprints of this inspiration from Nature are clearly visible in the literature, art, philosophies and inventions of human civilizations around the world. Nature continues to inspire us even today. Few of our beloved poets, artists, writers, film makers, and many other creative geniuses as well as scientific and analytical minds of the modern humanity are strongly and at times purely inspired by Nature. Literally, all forms of human creativity are inspired by nature, nothing more and nothing less. As the human world progressed through time with scientific and technological advances, the mysteries of the natural world unraveled its secrets, making us aware about many aspects of our world. One of the most important knowledge gained through this human quest is the fact that natural resources like forests, air and water sources which we consider infinite are subject to irreparable changes (damages), many a times these changes are irreversible. Other natural resources like fossil fuel and the biodiversity of the planet can face extermination when misused. Scientific progress gave human beings the power to rein supremacy over the millions of other life forms and the natural resources of earth. This material supremacy however didn’t supplement the progress of the humane values amongst the human beings. It rather added fire to unprecedented competitive territorial feuds over land, power, money and the subsequent rise in global industrial, agriculture and urbanization race. Needless to say, this planet and its natural balance paid a high price to sustain this modern utopia of Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Along with earth’s resources, millions of other life forms also faced this common anthropogenic threat, many species already became extinct and many more are caught in hopeless battles amidst their vanishing habitats for survival. Humanity played the oblivion card for a very long time by not heeding the alarm bells of the planet, but a larger chunk of human population has finally agreed to this reality. Many of us though frenzied in our chosen mad rush have recognized this looming threat to the natural world from our over consuming civilizations. A clear indication of this realization reflects in the efforts (collective/individual) to halt the rapid loss of wildlife and biodiversity of the planet through various legislations and awareness at regional, national as well as international levels regarding the pressing environmental issues of our world. The efficacy of these efforts is to be tested by the ability of human beings to face it upfront and re-model our ways of life, to support these conservation measures. Over a period of time, the conservation measures which encompass active people’s participation through effective awareness building and empowerment of the minds have proven successful in implementation of legislations concerning any biodiversity conservation/ environment protection measure compared to the legislations which didn’t include these methods of environment awareness/ education in its implementation process. Green literature has played a crucial role in building an effective public psyche and has sowed the seeds of several environment movements around the world. Green literature refers to all forms of literary work which sprouts from the selfless human motivation to contribute towards nature conservation. Similar to the philosophy of nature conservation, the essence of green literature roots in the inherent quality of compassion and kindness found in every human being, irrespective of our cultural, political and economic disparities. True nature conservation calls for our selfless devotion, where we work for the benefit of nature and the millions of the other life forms who share this planet with us. Thus, green literature fundamentally differs from the traditional work of literature in its philosophy; it is driven with the motivation to contribute towards the cause of nature conservation instead of contributing to the personal benefit of the creator. Where traditional nature – inspired literature overflow with praise and awe for Nature, the modern green – literature is directed to bring people more closer to understand nature and act upon to ensure safe future of our planet. The nature – conservation movement in Assam strengthened its roots across the state with the advent of green –literature; it planted the seed of love and action towards nature conservation amongst the people of Assam. Nature’s Beckon has played a pioneering role in sowing the seed of green literature in Northeastern India since its inception in early 1980s. The organization has done significant work in spreading the spark of nature-conservation oriented literature in Assam and have set the best example of effective use of green-literature for nature conservation through its unhindered advocacy of relevant issues related to wildlife/forest conservation in print media (newspapers/ magazines/ journals, etc) and publication of relevant coffee-table books, books, booklets apart from a wide variety of educational materials like posters, leaflets, stickers, etc. The green – literature movement of Nature’s Beckon has been successful in bringing the ethos of biodiversity conservation closer to the masses. The gradual rise in green – literature in Assam has played an important role in bridging the widening gap between human society and Nature, especially at a critical juncture when the entire world is struggling to cope with the fast dwindling natural resources of earth and human civilizations facing a threatened future from global environment crises like climate change and mass-extinction of species. The green – literature movement initiated in Assam by Nature’s Beckon graciously showcases the natural richness of Assam and Northeastern India to rest of the country and the world at large. This connects the world with the green –movements of Assam and the kaleidoscopic biodiversity of Northeast India. The continuous growth of green-literature constitutes one of the most progressive collective initiatives of people of Assam for the cause of nature conservation till date. Nature’s Beckon has so far contributed 100 (approx.) valuable publications which includes books and other educational materials related to wildlife/ biodiversity conservation in English, Assamese and other vernacular languages of Assam. Some of these books are rare in being the first of its kind in the genre; many others encompass the unique conservation initiatives led by Nature’s Beckon. This parallel green –literature movement of Nature’s Beckon has created a think tank of budding nature – loving young generation who has learnt to embrace the cause of nature along with the comfort and convenience of technology. Green – literature is the future of mankind, in fact green –literature has the latent power to direct the future of our planet.
The Seed, a Nature’s Beckon blog is the newest addition to this green –literature movement of Nature’s Beckon. This green blog is to take forward this journey ahead by involving the young minds of the country in effective advocacy and positive environment activism, as well as enrich the green literature of the world by making it more inclusive. Digital media has a wider reach and hence, ‘The Seed’, gives an opportunity to the nature enthusiasts/ nature workers of Northeastern to portray the biodiversity and environment issues of this region to the global audience. No matter the time and space, pen still proves mighty powerful in stirring people’s mind, hence pen should always be used with wisdom and caution. Green-literature beckons the world to show direction to 8 billion human beings and their future actions. Let’s rise to this call and be part of this green-literature movement, let’s participate in this collective effort to shape our world towards peaceful co-existence through compassionate actions.